
もう一度聞きたい音 in 図書館





なぜケンタッキー州なの?とよく聞かれます。フライドチキンが好きなの? ともよく聞かれます。




お伝えしたいケンタッキーでの経験はたくさんありますが、今回は、アメリカでの私の第二の家とも言えるケンタッキー州立大学(UK)の図書館、William T. Young Library(ウィリアム T ヤング図書館)の思い出をお話したいと思います。

William T. Young Library(ウィリアムTヤング図書館)














そしてさらに時間が過ぎ、さみしく感じ始める頃に、ウィーーンと遠くの方から音がし始めます。 しーんと静まり返った館内にその音が響きわたるのです。 



掃除機の音に? おおげさじゃない? と思われるかもしれませんが、真夜中にこの超巨大な空間に私しか居ないのかも!と思いきや、私同様起きていて、働いてくれている人の存在を感じ、本当に嬉しかったのです。 




当時は、私も学生でとても若く、見知らぬ人に話かけるなんてことはなかなかできなかったのですが、もし今またウイリアム T ヤング図書館に行き、この掃除機の音を聞くことができたなら、迷わずその人に話かけに行くと思います。 お仕事の邪魔になるでしょうが。笑



人それぞれ心地よいと感じることがちがいますよね。 ここKURASI MARKETは、掃除機の音は聞こえてきませんし 笑、巨大な吹き抜けの建物でもないですが、洋楽の音楽が流れ、ゆったりとした時間が流れている空間です。 


みなさんにとってKURASI MARKETが、ステキな空間になることを楽しみにしています。

Sound I want to hear again in the library


I studied abroad in Kentucky, USA, right after I graduated from high school.

“Why Kentucky? ” I am often asked.
“Do you like fried chicken?” I am also often asked.

I like fried chicken, but I didn’t go there for the fried chicken. lol! 

One of the reasons is that I thought Kentucky had fewer Japanese people than other big cities like New York or Los Angeles.

I was indulgent to myself, so I was sure I would want to speak Japanese if I had chances to speak Japanese.

I wanted to put myself in an environment where I could only speak English. But when I went there, I found that there were a lot more Japanese people than I expected. lol!

Even though I have many experiences in Kentucky that I would like to share with you, this time I would like to talk about my memories of the William T. Young Library.

The William T. Young Library is the library of University of Kentucky (UK), which can be called my second home in America at that time.

I was just an ordinary student who didn’t particularly like to study, but I spent a lot of time in the UK library.

I had a lot of distractions at home. The TV, the music player, the kitchen, and all the other things that tempted me.

It took me a long time to complete a single homework assignment because I was not as fluent in English as the local students.

So, I needed to have some place where I could concentrate to study. That is why I started using the library at first.

I spent most of my time at the library between 9:00 pm and 2:00 am. There were times when I went there in the early evening, but I usually used the library late at night to avoid the crowds.

I was sad to see the number of students leaving little by little, but I also loved the feeling of having this huge space all to myself.

The UK library is a five-story building with an atrium in the middle. So it is one big space from the first floor to the top floor.

You can feel all the floors, so when there are people, it’s very lively. But it’s very quiet when there are no people.

Around 9:00 pm, I saw many people in the building, but the place became quite empty after midnight.

As time passed and I started to feel lonely, I heard a sound “whine” in the distance. The sound echoes through the quiet building.

When I first heard the sound, I didn’t know what it was for a while, but as it got closer, I realized it was the sound of a vacuum cleaner.  

I remember I was moved by the sound of this vacuum cleaner at a time when I felt sleepy, lonely, and a little scared in that empty place.

You are moved by the sound of a vacuum cleaner? Isn’t that a bit dramatic? You might think I was a little exaggerating.

However, I felt like I was the only one left in this huge space in the middle of the night!

I was really happy to find out that there was someone who was awake and working, just like me.

Of course, if you go to the city, you can find many people in bars and convenience stores, and there are many people who are awake even in the middle of the night.

But in that library, I felt as if it was only me and him who was vacuuming. And I felt a sense of camaraderie on my own. lol!  

I’m pretty sure I was the only one who felt that way though. I’m sure he didn’t feel a thing. lol!

For years, I listened to the sound of the vacuum cleaner and felt a sense of camaraderie that allowed me to study hard even in the middle of the night. 

At that time, I was too young to talk to a stranger, but if I could go to the William T. Young Library again and hear the sound of the vacuum cleaner, I would not hesitate to go and talk to the vacuum guy. I’m sure it would interrupt his work. lol!

The sound of the vacuum cleaner is probably nothing to other people, but to me, it is an important sound that I still want to hear again.

Everyone has a different sense of comfort, right? Here at the Kurasi Market, you won’t hear the sound of a vacuum cleaner, and it’s not a huge atrium building. But it’s a space where Western music is playing and a relaxing time is flowing.

There are many ways to enjoy the space, such as studying in the coworking space, working remotely on your respective jobs, or having meetings and shooting in the rental space.

I am looking forward to making Kurasi Market a wonderful space for everyone.