準備をしているとワクワク感が一層増し、姉や妹と大興奮。朝は4時に起き出発しなければならないのに毎回興奮して全然眠れず、朝から体調が悪く吐き気をおぼえながら出発するのが毎度のことでした 笑。
お刺身!! 川魚ってお刺身でいけるの? と思って方もいるかもしれませんが、現地で捕りたて新鮮なニジマスをお刺身にして食べてみて下さい!
前置きが長くなってしまいましたが、私が今回ニジマス釣りをテーマにしたのは、ニジマスのエサの話をしたかったからです 笑。
どんだけ前置きが長いの! ですよね。
えらそうなことを言いましたが、私はこの幼虫をさわれませんので、100%イクラで釣っていました 笑。
川に着いて早々、ビックリ! エサが、イクラと幼虫じゃない!
私が何でそんなに驚いたかと言うと、みんな声をそろえて一番コレが釣れるんだ! と言ったエサが、チーズだったのです。 しかもチーズの中でも特に食いつきが良いのが “ガーリックチーズ!” 苦笑。
ガーリック味のチーズがニジマスのメインのエサだなんて! 家に帰ってすぐに日本にいる私の家族に電話をして伝えました。ぜひやってみて! と。
とーっても美味しかったです! 私たち家族の食べ方と全然違ったので、結構感動しました。
こんなにガーリック味のチーズに衝撃をうけたにもかかわらず、実は私はまだ日本で試していないのです 笑。
Recently, outdoor activities have become quite popular. The number of people I know who go camping has been increasing considerably. I went camping once when I was a kid, but I haven’t had a chance to go camping for decades. I wanted to enjoy the fresh air and good food, so I ended up buying a book on camping for beginners at a bookstore the other day.
Although I haven’t gone camping, I remembered that I have gone fishing for rainbow trout in the river, so I thought I would share my rainbow trout fishing experience with you all.
Ever since I was in elementary school, my family and friends and I go fishing in Okutama every year.
Getting ready for the trip used to make me, my older and younger sisters even more excited. We had to get up at 4:00 a.m. every time we went, but I couldn’t sleep at all and felt sick and nauseous every time we left. I was too excited to sleep.
The rainbow trout fishing area in Okutama is located in the middle of the Otamba River, along a mountain stream. It is a leisure spot where you can enjoy fishing and barbecue at the same time.
The water is really clean and clear, so you can easily see where the rainbow trout are swimming.
Bringing a whole watermelon, dipping it in the cold river to cool it down, and enjoying splitting the watermelon in the afternoon was also a regular event.
Our family’s regular local rainbow trout menu is :
・Grilled whole fish on a skewer
・Miso soup (with lots of chopped rainbow trout)
・Sashimi(sliced raw fish)
Sashimi! Can you eat river fish as sashimi? You may be wondering if river fish can be eaten as sashimi, but try eating freshly caught rainbow trout as sashimi!
It’s really delicious and crunchy. We always eat it as sashimi first and enjoy it together. It is absolutely delicious!
The reason why I chose rainbow trout fishing as my theme for the blog this time is because I wanted to talk about the bait for rainbow trout.
How long is a preamble! You think so, right?
The bait I used to catch rainbow trout in Okutama was mainly salmon roe and grapevine larvae.
Grapevine larvae are creamy white and stand out in the water. Stab the larvae from the buttocks to the head to make sure they don’t come off from the fish hook.
Well, I said it like I was very good at it, but I can’t touch these larvae, so I used salmon eggs 100% of the time to catch the fish lol.
I’ve caught many fish with salmon eggs, but I heard that larvae are much more biting.
When I was living in Japan, I used to assume that salmon eggs and larvae were the best choice for rainbow trout fishing. However, one day, I was surprised in Kentucky, America.
I was able to experience rainbow trout fishing in Kentucky. It was the time when I was working for a local travel agency after graduating from college.
When my boss went trout fishing with his family and acquaintances, he took me along.
Trout fishing was something that I had experienced every year since I was a little girl, so I felt good about going along.
As soon as we arrived at the river, I was surprised! The bait was not salmon eggs and larvae!
The reason why I was so surprised was that the bait they all said was the best was cheese. And of all the cheeses, the one with the best bite was “garlic cheese!
I can’t believe garlic-flavored cheese is the main bait for rainbow trout! As soon as I got home, I called my family in Japan and told them. You should try it!
I really caught a lot of fish that day.
It may just be that garlic cheese was popular around my bosses in Kentucky. Other people may have used completely different bait, and I’m sure there are many different kinds of bait in Japan as well.
Different places have different foods, languages, customs, and so on, but even while fishing for rainbow trout, I realized once again that learning about different cultures is exciting and fun.
By the way, we also had a barbecue on the riverbank in Kentucky, and the menu was :
・Western-style grilled rainbow trout with lemon?
People took out the guts of the rainbow trout, put rosemary in it, and grilled it with salt and pepper.
We had it with a squeeze of lemon.
It was so delicious! I was quite impressed because it was totally different from the way our family eats.
Now, when I cook rainbow trout at home, I put rosemary in the belly, sprinkle flour and fry it in butter.
Even though I was shocked by the garlic-flavored cheese, I haven’t actually tried it in Japan yet.
If anyone is interested and has tried it, please let me know how it was.
I’ll be sure to give it a try next time I go rainbow trout fishing!