









そして久々にホームステイをしに行こう! と思い立ったのです。











短期のホームステイ先でこんな経験ができるなんて! 想像もしていなかったので、ひとりで大喜びしました。


あれ? 留学生3人はみんな未成年じゃない? 驚いて聞くと、オーストラリアでは18歳から飲酒ができるそうです。





それぞれが生まれ育った自分の国のことを話し、そうなの⁉ と思うこともたくさんあり、大変有意義な時間でした。







いつもの自分の場所(家、学校、会社、etc.) に加え、KURASI MARKETのコワーキングスペース で自習やリモートワークなど、それぞれの使い方で過ごしてみませんか。



An interesting homestay experience in Australia


Have you met anyone new lately?

I don’t just mean meeting the opposite sex, but meeting other people.

When you are a child or a student, you meet a lot of people. Like in April(new semester), you meet new teachers and classmates in school, and friends from your lessons.

But as we grow older, we seem to meet fewer and fewer people each year. Is it just me? lol! 

I realized that I should do something instead of just sitting around like this! So, I’ve been trying to take action whenever I think of it since last year.

Because I realized that I had to do something, I decided to go to Australia and do a homestay.

I have done five short-term homestays, four in the U.S. and my first one in Australia last year, which lasted 10 days.

Up until then, when I decided to do a homestay, I was always nervous what kind of people I would be staying with, what kind on home I would be staying in, what kind of food I would be eating, where I would be taken to, and everything else I could think of.

I was excited, but I was more nervous every time.

But this time, whether it was because of my age or the of homestays, I was able to leave for Australia without feeling so  nervous.

I had heard that my host family in Australia consisted of an Australian father, a Filipino mother, and other international students.

When I arrived there, I found three students, a Brazilian, a Korean, and a Chinese girl.  I was surprised to see all three teenage girls from different countries.

I had never experienced having another foreign student in my homestay before, so I was a bit confused, but I remember feeling very happy because it was going to be a lively stay.

One day, we had dinner for a Chinese student’s 18th birthday party.

On that day, six people from different countries and different cultures sat around one table.

I never imagined I could have such an experience in a short-term homestay!  So I was very excited then.

The host dad handed  out wine glasses to everyone and poured wine for all six of us.

Huh?  Aren’t the three international students all underage?

I was surprised to hear that you can drink from the age of 18 in Australia.

In the U.S., you have to be 21 to drink. When I was in the U.S., even when I was 24, people would joke that I looked like I was 6 years old. And they asked me, “This is a fake ID, right?”

I wish they would have at least said I only looked 16. lol!

Anyway, I had a glass of wine with three girls who still look very young to me, although it is hard to imagine for me in Japan. I was the only one who had a second glass though. lol

Even though I went to Australia, I was able to talk to people from five different countries every day.

It was a very meaningful time for me as each of them talked about their own country where they were born and raised.

Even now, my host dad sends me e-mails worrying about the bad weather such as typhoon or storm in Japan.

I sometimes send him e-mails to show him the gorgeous lunch(bento) that I made, my pet dog, or my house. We still keep in touch with each other.

The homestay experience in Australia became a very important one for me.

Isn’t it exciting to be able to hear the stories about places you’ve never visited, foods you’ve never eaten, or anything else you’ve never experienced?

Not only in foreign countries, but also in Japan, the language and culture differ greatly from place to place. Even in the same place, the way of thinking can be completely different depending on the environment where you live.

I want to learn about different ways of thinking, and I hope to meet and be inspired by many more people in the future. 

In addition to your usual place (home, school, office, etc.), why don’t you spend some time at KURASI MARKET, coworking space for self-study or remote work?

I’m looking forward to meeting you all!