現在アメリカの人々が盛大にお祝いする感謝祭、Thanksgiving Day(サンクスギビングデー)は、アメリカの原住民が、食料が十分に無く、困っているピルグリムファーザーズに、トウモロコシを分け与え彼らを助けたことを記念にした祝日です。
食べ物のことが多くてすみません 笑。 ただ、国の文化を知るうえでその国の食べ物を学ぶことは大事だと思いませんか? 笑
ですので、しっとりやふんわりを追求したりする日本で育った私には、アメリカのコーンブレッドは、少しパサパサしていて、荒っぽいといいますか、もう少し改良の余地があるといいますか 笑、あまり口にあわないなと思ったのです。
・コーングリッツ(コーンミールでもOK) 140g
・強力粉 100g
・ベーキングパウダー 5g
・全卵 2個
・砂糖 100g
・バター(溶かす) 70g
・牛乳 100ml
・サラダ油(型用) 少々
・薄力粉(型用) 少々
① オーブンを200度~220度くらいに予熱する。
② 型にサラダ油(オリーブ油OK)をうすくぬって、全体にうすくいきわたるよう薄力粉を入れる。粉が多すぎたら、逆さにして余分な粉を落とす。(こうすれば、型にクッキングシートをしかなくても焼きあがった後、くっつかずに直ぐ型からはずれます。時短です。)
③ ボールにコーングリッツ、強力粉、ベーキングパウダー、砂糖を入れて、泡だて器でよくまぜる。(泡だて器でよくまぜるので、粉類はふるわなくてOKです。時短です。)
④ 卵、牛乳、溶かしバターを混ぜ、粉類に加えて混ぜる。
※重要! ここでは、あまり混ぜすぎない。まだ粉玉が残っているくらいが良いです。
⑤ ②に④を入れ、あたためておいたオーブンで25分~30分焼く。
⑥ できあがり!
KURASI MARKET では、先日クリスマスリースづくりのワークショップを開催しました。アメリカとカナダ出身の先生達が、本場のフレッシュリースの作り方を英語で教えてくださいました。
Speaking of American cuisine, what do you think of?
Hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, hot dogs, steak, french fries, and many other foods probably come to your mind.
Of course, the mainstream American food is easy to get and delicious, but this time I would like to write about “cornbread,” which is not so familiar in Japan.
Cornbread is a bread-like baked food made from dried corn flour called cornmeal or corn grits, which can be easily made without fermentation.
It is a very different food from the fluffy cornbread with lots of corn in it, which is what you probably imagine if you don’t know what cornbread is.
Originally, cornbread was an essential part of meals in the southern part of the United States, but nowadays, there are many different recipes and ways of making cornbread throughout the United States.
You can make it sweet if you want to eat it as a snack, or not so sweet if you want to eat it with a side dish at mealtime.
I used to eat them on a daily basis when I lived in Kentucky. either at a friend’s house or served with dinner at a restaurant when I went out for dinner.
Kentucky is located in the South, so it may have been one of the foods I was particularly familiar with.
I’d like to share with you my recent obsessive craving for cornbread!
It is said that the history of cornbread began after Columbus discovered the New World (America) and the Pilgrim Fathers landed in the New World from England on the Mayflower.
Because before that time, there was no wheat in America before that time, and people in England had never heard of corn.
When the Pilgrim Fathers migrated to the America and had a hard time harvesting enough flour at first, the Native Americans shared their corn with them.
This is how cornbread, a mixture of European wheat flour and American corn flour, came to be.
I remember learning about the Pilgrim Fathers in history class in junior high school or high school, but I couldn’t remember for sure, so I looked it up. lol!
The Pilgrim Fathers were a group of English people who came to America on the Mayflower in 1620 to seek religious freedom and establish a colony.
The American people now celebrate Thanksgiving Day, a holiday commemorating the fact that the American natives helped the Pilgrim Fathers by sharing their corn with them, as they were in need of food.
I would like to introduce you to some of the delicious Thanksgiving Day dishes sometime in the future.
Excuse me for talking about food so much. lol. However, don’t you think it’s important to learn about a country’s food in order to understand its culture?
In fact, when I was living in the United States, I didn’t think cornbread was very good.
In Japan, there are many delicious foods. For example, for a single cheesecake, we often see baked, rare, New York, soufflé, and recently, Basque cheesecake.
As soon as you think something is popular, something else comes out. Japanese people are very sensitive to food.
Therefore, for me, who grew up in Japan where we always pursue moist and fluffy food, American cornbread is a little dry and rough, so I wasn’t really a fan of it.
However, I had the opportunity to eat cornbread in many places, and I realized after I came back to Japan that I had become addicted to cornbread without even knowing it.
In Japan, you don’t have a chance to eat cornbread unless you make it yourself ( some of you may know where you could buy cornbread), so now I make it myself.
For those of you who now are interested in cornbread, I would like to share with you a recipe that I often make.
140g corn grits (or cornmeal)
※Corn grits are rougher in texture, so you can feel the texture of the grits more.
100g bread flour
5g baking powder
2 whole eggs
100g sugar – Sanmon sugar, cane sugar, granulated sugar, or any other sugar you like.
70g Butter (melted)
100ml milk
A little salad oil (for the cake mold)
A pinch of flour (for the cake mold)
It is very easy to make!
① Preheat the oven to 200°C to 220°C.
② Lightly coat the mold with salad oil (olive oil is OK) and add flour to the mold. If there is too much flour, turn upside down to remove excess.
③ Combine corn grits, flour, baking powder, and sugar in a bowl and mix well with a whisk.
④ Mix the eggs, milk and melted butter and add to the flour mixture.
※Important! Do not overmix here. It is best if there are still some flour balls left.
⑤ Pour the mixture into the mold and bake in the preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes.
※It may not be browned even after 30 minutes, so be sure to check the center of the dough with a bamboo skewer to make sure it doesn’t stick to the skewer.
⑥ Done!
It tastes really good when it’s hot, so try to eat it right away!
It will be crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.
Cornbread can be made in any quantity you like, including sugar and butter.
If you want something sweet for a snack, add more sugar. If you want to serve it as a meal, you can reduce the sugar to about 20 grams to make a less sweet cornbread. Try to find your own favorite cornbread.
When the cornbread cools down, you can bake it in a toaster oven for a while to make it crispy and fluffy again.
You don’t have to use a specific mold; I tend to use a square mold, but some people use round or pound cake molds or pans.
Now that I’ve introduced you to cornbread, I hope you’ve found it interesting.
I would like to know if you know of any recipes that can be made more delicious, or if you think the history of cornbread is really like this!
I want to learn how to make more delicious cornbread.
We recently held a Christmas wreath making workshop at KURASI MARKET.
Teachers from the U.S. and Canada taught us how to make authentic fresh wreaths in English.
All the materials used were real, so the wreaths smelled wonderfully of trees, nuts, dried oranges, and cinnamon.
Many people joined the class, and everyone created wonderful wreaths with their own individuality.
I felt again that learning about foreign cultures is a wonderful thing.
Even though cornbread is not well known in Japan, I hope that some of you would like to try it someday.