





“ライスクリスピートリート(RiceKrispies Treat)” というアメリカのお菓子です。アメリカから帰ってきて10年以上特に考えもしなかったお菓子ですが、現地にいた頃はかなり食べていました。








作り方は本当に簡単!! 小さなお子さんと一緒に作ることができるお菓子です。ただ、残念ながら材料のライスクリスピーは普通のスーパーでは見かけたことがありません。私はいつもネットで注文しています。




・ライスクリスピー 6カップ

・マシュマロ    280グラムくらい(好みで少し減らしたり増やしたりOK)

・バター      大さじ3杯


① お鍋でバターとマシュマロを溶かします。

② ライスクリスピー全量を、溶けた①に入れてまぜます(お鍋の中に入れてOKです)。

③ 底にベーキングシート(くっつかないアルミホイルでもOK)をしき、オイルをぬった33cm×22cm×5cmの型に入れて、ギュッギュッと手でしっかりおさえて、平らにします。

④ かたまるまで少し待ち、型から取り出して好きな大きさにカットします。(私は、5cm×5cmくらいの正方形に切るのが好きです)

* 型は、上記くらいの大きさであればなんでもOK。必ずしもcmが同じでなくてもよいです。

どうですか? とっても簡単でしょ? 作ってみたくなりませんか?笑

本当におすすめのアメリカンスイーツです! カリカリで少しチューイー(キャラメルのよう?)な不思議な食感なので、ぜひ試しに作ってみて下さい。お友達に配ってもきっと喜ばれると思います。



America’s most popular snack


It must have been about five years ago, when I bought marshmallows at the supermarket, I suddenly remembered a certain snack.

It’s an American snack called “RiceKrispies Treat”. I hadn’t thought about this snack in particular for over 10 years since I came back from the US, but I ate quite a bit of it when I was there.

I remember that once I remembered about RiceKrispies, I was dying to eat it, so I decided to make it.

This time, I would like to introduce RiceKrispie Treats, a snack that is easy for anyone to make, but not so familiar in Japan.

It is very popular among children in the U.S. If there was a ranking of the most popular sweets, it would be in the top five, and everyone has been eating it since they were little.

It is made by rice cereal and has an interesting texture. I think once you try it, you will become addicted to it.

Although you can buy commercial RiceKrispies Treat online, I have always eaten homemade ones since I lived in the US.

This is because if you make your own, you can change it to your liking by adding a little less butter or more marshmallows.

It’s really easy to make! This is a snack that you can make with your little children. But unfortunately, I have never seen the ingredients, rice crispie, in ordinary supermarkets. I always order it online.

We need only three ingredients: butter, marshmallows, and rice crispie. Cooking time is only 15 minutes!



・6 cups rice crispie

・About 280g of marshmallows (you can reduce or increase a little as you like)

・3 tablespoons of butter

[How to make]

①Melt the butter and marshmallows in a pot, and mix them together.

②Put all the rice crispie into the melted mixture and mix (you can put them in the pan).

③ Cover the bottom of the pan with a baking sheet (or use aluminum foil that won’t stick) and place in an oiled 33cm x 22cm x 5cm mold. And press it a little.

④Remove from the mold and cut it into desired size. (I like to cut them into squares of about 5 cm x 5 cm)

**You can use any type of mold as long as it is about the same size as above, but not necessarily the same cm.


What do you think? Very easy, right? Don’t you want to make it now? lol!

I really do recommend this American snack! The texture is crunchy and a little chewy (like caramel?), so you should definitely give it a try. I’m sure your friends will love it when they try it.

Since I remembered RiceKrispie Treats five years ago, I have been making it from time to time and handing it out to people I know. It’s a hit with the kids, of course, but the adults too!

If you have any American or Canadian friends, I’m sure they’ll love it, too.