”シットコム” という言葉を聞いたことがありますか?
私の場合は、寝る前に1話だけ!と思い見始めると、あと1話、あと1話と止められなくなり、寝不足の朝を迎えてしまうことが多々あるので、なるべく寝る前は見ないようにしています 笑。
私の知り合いのアメリカ人は、9年分もの人気シットコム ”how i met your mother” をネットフリックスでほぼ毎日見ていて、最終回に近づいて来ると、これが終わったらこれから先僕はどうすればいいんだ! と言っていたことがありました。長年続いたシットコムが最終回に近づくと私も全く同じ気持ちになります 涙。
邦題は、ママと恋に落ちるまで です。
このシットコムは、現在や過去を行き来して話が描かれ、話が入り組んでいて、話の途中や最後にそう来たか! と思わせてくれるサプライズだらけです。
邦題は、フレンズ です。
フレンズは2位ではありますが私自身、一番繰り返し見ているシットコムです。全236話あるのですが、最低5ラウンドは見ています 笑。
最終回で泣かなかったことはありません。それくらいこのドラマの登場人物と一緒に年を取ってきた気になって何ともいえない寂しさがこみ上げます 涙。
ぜひ見て下さい!! 笑
邦題は、となりのサインフェルド です。
このシットコムのお話の特徴は、何でも無いようなことに登場人物がみんなイラっときたり、文句を言いあったり、みんなすごく人間が小さいのです 笑。
日本では、なぜこのシットコムがあまり知られていないのか分かりませんが、機会があったら見てみて下さい! 後悔はさせません!
自分の代わりにドラマの中でのキャラクター達が、あーでもない こーでもないと、世の中のちょっとした理不尽さだったり、会社や近所で起こる出来事にすっごく怒ってくれるのです。スッキリしますよ。
Have you ever heard of the word “sitcom”?
It stands for “situation comedy” and is one of the genres of comedy. Sitcoms are comedy dramas that are great when you just want to laugh or cheer up. Because the drama takes place in familiar situations like your workplace or at home.
Many people may be familiar with the idea of a comedy drama that includes the laughs of the audience. Sitcoms are short, with each episode lasting about 20 to 30 minutes, so you can easily enjoy them in your spare time or before going to bed.
In my case, I try not to watch it before I go to bed because I often end up watching one more episode after another and end up having a sleepless morning.
One of the most famous sitcoms in Japan is “Full House,” which became popular among people of all ages when it was aired on educational television.
Popular sitcoms can last for more than 10 years, and the actors are getting older than when they started. Perhaps the reason for the popularity of the sitcoms is that the stories show how people’s lifestyles change from being single to getting married and having babies.
Dramas with the same actors continuing to appear and portray their lifestyles are not common in Japan, but they are not uncommon in the U.S. And they are also common in one-hour dramas.
Sitcoms also have about 24 to 25 episodes per season, and if they are popular, some can last for 10 seasons (10 years).
An American friend of mine has been watching the popular sitcom “how i met your mother” on Netflix almost every day, and when it came close to the last episode, he said, “What am I going to do when this is over?” I feel the same way when a long-running sitcom comes to its final episode.
There are too many sitcoms to introduce you to all of them (and I only watch the ones I like).
So, I would like to introduce my top 3 favorite sitcoms.
This is a sitcom about the daily lives of five men and women living in New York City. It mainly depicts the love lives of the five people in an interesting way.
Each drama begins with the main character, Ted, starting to tell his daughter and son about the events that happened before he met their mom, going back in time. In other words, it is a drama about Ted’s young love life and friendship.
In this sitcom, the story moves back and forth between the present and the past, and the story is intricate and full of surprises in the middle and at the end. The story is full of surprises.
Especially the male character named Barney, everything he says is a joke, and you will definitely laugh when he appears. However, his jokes may only be funny if you know the American culture.
For me, even if I don’t understand his jokes, I find them funny just by watching his facial expressions and gestures.
This may be true of all sitcoms, but at first I didn’t find this one particularly funny enough to be hooked.
But as I continued to watch the episodes, I became attached to each character and wanted to watch the next one and the next one.
“Friends” is my second most watched sitcom. There are 236 episodes in total, and I’ve watched at least 5 rounds.
It may sound like I have a lot of free time, but I also learn English conversation, and I have learned countless phrases from this sitcom.
This is a very popular sitcom for people who are learning English, and the English is very easy to understand, even for beginners.
The English is much easier to understand than that of the third place, “how i met your mother”, so I recommend this sitcom for people who want to understand English by listening to it instead of subtitles.
The story takes place in New York again. It depicts the friendship, love, and everyday ordinary events of six men and women in their twenties (at first) living in Manhattan, New York City.
It’s also a great way to learn about American culture, as it shows the famous annual American events such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Super Bowl.
The sitcom started more than 20 years ago, but the actresses in the show have great fashions and don’t look outdated at all.
I can’t wait to see what kind of loungewear, outfits, and dresses they wear each time.
For those who are new to sitcoms, I recommend Friends the most because the stories and English are easy to understand.
Now I can expect what lines they will say next, and there are many English phrases that I will try out in real life. I laugh so much that I start to cry.
I’ve watched it more than 5 times over and over again, but I’m sad to see it end around season 9, which makes me not want to watch it anymore.
I’ve never not cried during the last episode. That’s how much I feel like I’ve grown old with the characters in this drama, and it makes me indescribably sad.
Please watch it! LOL!
This sitcom was extremely popular, and it was said that one out of every four people in America had seen it at the time.
The setting is New York again. It features four men, four women, and many characters surrounding them.
Compared to the other two, the fashion is a little old fashioned, but that doesn’t matter because the episodes are so familiar to us that you will definitely laugh out loud.
One of the characteristics of this sitcom is that all the characters get annoyed and complain to each other about things that seem to be nothing, and all the characters are very small people.
This is really funny, and when I see the people who are so exaggeratedly angry about every little thing, I feel like I have a big heart, which makes me indescribably happy.
The ratings for the last episode exceeded 40%, and it was said that people disappeared from the streets of America that day.
I was one of the people who shed tears while watching it in my apartment in the US. It was funny, but I was so sad to see it end that I was crying.
I don’t know why this sitcom is not very well known in Japan, but if you have a chance, watch it! You won’t regret it!
Especially for working people who are stressed out and working hard every day!
Instead of you, the characters in the drama will be very angry at little unreasonable things in the world, or things that happen in your office or neighborhood. It’s really refreshing.
The second-ranked “Friends” is also quite funny, but it is ten times funnier than “Friends.” You’ll be laughing your ass off.
I’m sure sitcom fans have their own opinions. Let me know what you think if you’re a sitcom fan or if you’ve seen it! I’d love to know what you think!
Thank you very much for reading my selfish sitcom ranking.