アメリカに温泉なんかあるの!? と思われた方、あります!
たくさんの温泉がある中で、私が今回ご紹介したい温泉地は、アメリカ在住時に行ったことがあるアーカンソー州にあるホットスプリングス(Hot Springs)です。
英語で温泉はホットスプリング(hot spring) ですが、このアーカンソーの温泉街がある町もホットスプリングスといる名前なのです。まさに温泉の町ですね。
今回ご紹介しているホットスプリングスの温泉施設 Buckstaffは、100年以上前から営業しているバスハウスで、日本の温泉とは全く違う入浴の仕方で、当時驚いたどころの騒ぎではありませんでした。
一緒に楽しく温泉を楽しむことができると思っていた私達は、この時点で泣きそうになりました 笑。
カーテンで仕切られたその小さい部屋に、スタッフの方が入って来て、バスタブに入るように言われました。普通のバスタブです!! 大きいバスタブとかではなく、本当に普通の1人用バスタブです!
衝撃な展開にスタッフの方の指示に従うしかなく、言われるがままバスタブに浸かってひとり寂しく時が経つのを待ちました 汗笑。
くつろぐとはほど遠く、体中が緊張で固まりました 笑。
薄暗い施設の中で、右も左も分からないまま、窓があまりなく薄暗いその温泉施設で泣きそうになりましけど 笑。
Do you like hot springs?
There are people who say they don’t like hot springs because other people use them, but I love hot springs. My children also love them.
There are many hot springs in Japan, and if you want to go, you can easily do so.
It would be great if I could go to an hot spring resort, but it takes time and money. Even if you can’t go to a hot spring resort often, you can probably find a super sento (public bath hot spring) nearby.
There are four or five super sento within a 10 to 20 minute drive from my house.
Especially during the cold season, I feel an irresistible urge to go to a hot spring.
For those Japanese who love hot springs, I would like to talk about a hot spring resort in the United States.
Are there hot springs in America? If you’re wondering, yes, there are!
If you look into it, you will find that there are quite a few hot springs that you can enjoy.
There are many inland hot springs in Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, and other states. Most of them are far from the cities.
While there are many hot springs, the one I would like to introduce is Hot Springs in Arkansas, which I have visited when I lived in the United States. I had an interesting experience there.
In English, the word for onsen is “hot spring,” and the town where this hot spring resort in Arkansas is located is also named Hot Springs. It is truly a town of hot springs.
I was living in Kentucky at the time, so I looked for a hot spring resort that I could drive to from there.
After I had done a lot of searching, I learned that there was a famous hot spring town in Arkansas, which I had not yet visited, so I decided to go there.
Arkansas is about an eight-hour drive from Kentucky.
It may seem far, but I like to travel by car so much that my friends and I did a cross-country and longitudinal trip across the United States, so eight hours didn’t seem so far to me.
Most of the highways in the U.S. are free, so you can go anywhere you want without worrying about money. You just have to pay for gas.
You can go as fast as 120-130 km/h, and unless you are approaching a city, there is not much traffic. This makes driving a really enjoyable experience in the U.S.
In the U.S., most of the bathers wear swimsuits and enjoy the hot spring together, rather than being divided into men’s and women’s baths which is the way it is most popular in Japan.
Of course, the United States is a large country, and there are many different types of onsen, including those where men and women bathe naked in separate baths like in Japan, as well as amusement facilities such as onsen pools.
The hot spring facility I am introducing here, Buckstaff, is a bathhouse that has been open for more than 100 years. And the way of bathing there is completely different from that of hot springs in Japan, so I was more than a little surprised at the time.
When you enter the building, you first take off your clothes in the locker room and cover your body with something like a bath towel.
After that, we were taken to a dark room, where each of us had to enter a small room separated by a curtain.
My friend and I were expecting to be able to enjoy the hot spring together, but we couldn’t. We almost cried at this point.
They put us in the rooms separated by curtains. There was no big bathtub or anything, just a really normal bathtub for one person! They were nothing like hot springs like the ones I’ve seen before.
This is the hot spring⁉ I thouht.
I had no choice but to follow the staff’s instructions and soak in the bathtub as I was told, waiting for the time to pass.
Far from relaxing, I was so nervous that my whole body froze.
After about 20 minutes of soaking, I thought it was over, but then I got in line and soaked my buttocks in a small bathtub-like place that could fit one buttock.
After a while, I was led to a place where I could take a shower and wash my whole body.
The staff was always with me, and the time I had to go in was fixed, so it was not like relaxing like in Japan.
I almost cried in the dark facility with few windows, not knowing what to do or where to go.
It’s a traditional European way of bathing in a hot spring, so if you want to experience it, go for it!
We were shocked by the lack of research, but if you know what to expect, you will have a wonderful time and feel the history of the place.
Currently, the place is undergoing a full-scale renovation, and it seems to be much nicer than when we visited Hot Springs.
I hope to travel there again when I have a chance to see how much it has changed.