ペットボトルやタッパーなどで自分で作るやり方もありますが、私は今回グリーンファームキューブ(Green Farm Cube)と言う水耕栽培器を使って始めてみました。
嬉しいことに私はグリーンファームキューブを自分で購入したわけではなく、数年前、結婚式の引き出物でカタログをいただき、そこからこの商品を選んで手に入れました 嬉。
なんだそんだけ? 1回の食事分だけじゃん! と思われたかもしれませんが、そこがまた良いな~と私は思っています。
はい。焼肉大好きです 笑。
私がアメリカに住んでいた時は、いつもコリアンダーと呼んでいました。よく行くスーパーでも、陳列棚には coriander と表示されていたのを覚えています。でも最近アメリカ人の知り合いと話した時は、みなさん cilantro(シラントロ)と呼んでいました。中国語では香菜(シャンツァイ)、タイ語でパクチー、ベトナム語でザウムイ、呼び名が色々あって面白いですね。
暗い部屋が好きな人には、逆におすすめできないです。ピッカーって感じです 笑。
そして虫嫌いで野菜を育てられないという方! 水耕栽培に挑戦してみてください!虫は全く入って来れないので、安心して野菜栽培を楽しむことができますよ。
お家で勉強や仕事をすることに飽きてしまったり、疲れてしまった方々、少し気分を変えてここKURASI MARKETでそれぞれの作業をしてみませんか?
It has been more than a year since I stopped going out, and I’m getting tired of my stay-home life.
I’ve been trying to find my own ways to have fun, and I’ve started doing things that I’ve never done before. One of those things is “hydroponics.
Have you ever heard of hydroponics?
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water without using soil.
There are also ways to grow plants by yourself using plastic bottles or tupperware, but this time I started using a hydroponic grower called Green Farm Cube.
Thankfully, I didn’t buy the Green Farm Cube myself. I got it from a catalog I received as a wedding favor a few years ago.
Until I saw that catalog, I had no idea that such a machine existed, or that there was such a thing as hydroponics.
The Green Farm Cube is no longer available, but I recently started using it again and have been enjoying it every day. So I would like to tell you all about hydroponics.
The Green Farm Cube is a hydroponic grower for growing herbs, baby leaves, and other vegetables. Surrounded on all four sides by acrylic, you can clearly see the seeds sprout and grow.
You can set the timer to turn on the light at any time of the day, and there is an exhaust fan on the top to keep the case clean and free of heat.
It is very compact and can grow four lettuce plants (enough for about four salads) or nine baby leaf plants.
Really? That’s it? That’s just for one meal!
You may have thought so, but that is what I like about it.
You can eat freshly picked vegetables every time, and when you’re done eating, you can look forward to what you’ll plant next.
You can also order hydroponic seeds, and this time I chose to grow cilantro and Korean lettuce.
Yes. I love yakiniku (Korean BBQ) lol.
This is an aside, but there are many ways to call cilantro.
When I lived in the U.S., I always called it coriander. And I remember it was labeled as coriander on the shelves of the supermarkets I often went to. But when I talked to my American acquaintances recently, they called it cilantro. In Chinese, it is called shanzhai, in Thai, pak choi, and in Vietnamese, zaum yi. It is interesting how many different names there are for it.
The first thing I grew with the Green Farm Cube was cilantro.
After filling the device with water and setting up cotton as a soil substitute, I put one or two seeds in each of the nine holes and set the timer.
For large-growing vegetables such as lettuce, we put the seeds in only four places so that they do not grow next to each other. Depending on the vegetable you are growing, you will need to change the number of seeds and where you put them.
When you are done, set the timer and you are ready to go.
The cilantro sprouts in about five days, and in about two weeks, the cilantro will have jagged leaves that are recognizable as cilantro. And in about a month, the cilantro will be ready to eat.
Not only the cilantro, but most of the vegetables you can grow in the Green Farm Cube take roughly 5 days to sprout and about a month to harvest. Since it’s in your room, you can see it constantly until it’s time to harvest, and it’s fun every day to watch it grow. The light is quite bright, so it brightens up the room and makes you feel good.
If you like a dark room, on the other hand, I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s pretty bright.
If the lights are so bright, how much is the electricity bill? The electricity bill is about 227 yen per month. (Timer operation: 16 hours a day)
At first, I thought that I would have to buy seeds, spend money on electricity, and only be able to harvest once a month! However, since it is in my room, I am able to see the slightest changes and get excited every day, such as seeing the seeds sprouting before I go to bed at night, and waking up in the morning to see the cute little sprouts poking out.
When they grow up, the fresh green will become the interior of your room.
And if you can’t grow vegetables because you hate bugs! Try hydroponics! Insects can’t come in at all, so you can enjoy growing vegetables without worry.
There are also hydroponic cultivations that can be done easily in plastic bottles without using equipment, so if you are interested, why don’t you try hydroponics?
I feel especially inspired to try something new these days, because it is stimulating and refreshing to do something you have never done before.
For those of you who are bored or tired of studying or working at home, why don’t you change your mind a little and do your own work here at Kurasi Market?
Spending time in a new environment for you may help you get better at your studies or give you some good ideas. We are looking forward to seeing you.